This work is indicated for you who have already suffered a lot for a certain person. This person has already made you humiliate yourself, suffer a lot and even cry. Person that you've already lost many nights of sleep for her and even debt in hopes that such person would come back to you. This Work is indicated to revert this situation by making that person go through all the suffering that you went through for that person. This person will be desperate 24 hours a day, under your orders begging you to return, bursting with jealousy of you. Such a person will desperately be a real stick on your foot begging you to return the love relationship. In this case, it will be you who will make the decision whether to return to this person or not, letting him continue to suffer because of you. This person will suffer for seven consecutive years, always begging for his return. To carry out this work here, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. As with all the Jobs we do, this Job also has document guarantees or your money back. To apply for this Job here with us, just fill out the WhatsApp form below correctly. The account for deposit or transfer will be sent to your email.
+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401

Global Presence



The Spiritual Works the surgeries for each Work from end to end golden scalpel, whether for loving binding, pact, onshore or offshore, which usually take place in isolated high-risk locations, requires a high level of expertise and this King of voodoo has to spare.


Attention: You need to register or already have a registration on the site to proceed.

mail: corporate.
Telephone +55 0xx(34)99150-2401 CASO DE URGÊNCIA
Temple Landline Phone +55 0xx(34)3662-3812





